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“What People Are Saying…”

Kurt Nelson

Kurt Nelson

President East-West Ministries International

Barry's friendship and encouragement have been an immeasurably great inspiration to me personally for over four decades of my life in Christ. God used Barry to mark my life at the crucial foundational stage of my first steps with Christ - and I have never gotten over that! Your partnership with me at East-West is a constant blessing in my life!

Charles Juma

Africa JFYM Continent Leader

Every day in Africa lives are transformed by Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry! From Zanzibar to Zimbabwe, from Kenya to Congo, in 13 countries our JFYM teams have traversed East Africa equipping leaders who equip more leaders to reach and disciple teenagers. ​

Charles Juma

Christina Oleksyuk

Former Ukrainian JFYM Leader

I’m a big fan of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry! A youth pastor at a small Methodist church, I struggled between entertaining our small youth group and encouraging them to share the Gospel with their friends. So when introduced to JFYM I found its simplicity so refreshing!  Implementing JFYM led students to encounter Jesus, read the Bible and share their faith. We grew spiritually and numerically. Later I started coaching other youth pastors to implement JFYM all across Ukraine…150 churches in 12 years. Now scattered to many countries because of the war, these refugee leaders, including me, still press on to make disciples and pray for a revival across Europe. 

Josh McDowell

International Author and Speaker

I have known Barry for many years. He knows what he is talking about—because he lives it. He is a man of integrity, relevance and he is biblical. I cannot give a higher recommendation than that. Get all of Barry’s books that you can and put the content into practice. Your life will be richer because of it.

Josh McDowell
Elio Martiz

Elio Martiz

JFYM Country Leader, Cuba

Because of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry we are the largest youth ministry influence in Cuba! The JFYM paradigm shift has given us the principles and practices to equip leaders and make disciples of Jesus all across Cuba. Thank you, Barry, for your humble life, for gracefully modelling a top standard of how to LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS, and for picking a rebel like me as a leader for no apparent reason!  

Betty Kafedha

Youth Ministry Trainer, Malindi, Kenya

God is using Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry in Malindi, Kenya to change how churches think about and do youth ministry.

Foley Beach

Foley Beach

Archbishop of the Anglican Church of North America and World Anglican Fellowship

At my investiture as the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of North America, I recall catching Barry’s eye as I spoke about discipleship. I learned about making disciples from his Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training. Barry’s ability to teach others how to disciple with biblical principles, tools, and resources has impacted youth and youth leaders all over the world. I commend it to you! 

Pasha & Tanya Koryakin

Russia JFYM Country Leaders

Helping teenagers find Christ and become discipled in the church is close to my heart because of my own experiences with drug addiction. That is why Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry means so much to Tanya and me.


Bishop Ben Kwashi

Anglican Archbishop of Africa

This training has made an impact that will last for years to come! It is intensely Jesus-focused, Holy Spirit filled, and fruit bearing. This is a huge responsibility and opportunity with a clear mandate!”

Lee Grady

The Mordecai Project and Author, USA

Barry St. Clair led me to Christ when I was a teenager. He has been the most important role model in my life. For years I have watched him love his family. They prove that Barry’s life and message work. I can think of no one more qualified to instruct Christians than Barry.


Joseph Chiteri

Kenya School Principal, Pastor, JFYM Trainer

Every time l think of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, I bless God for Barry and ask myself whether he really knew what he was coming up with when he was penning this powerful manual. Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry filled in the missing piece of my ministry puzzle. Now not only am I reaching students with the gospel, but also I am able to disciple them to grow in Christ and in their service to others.

Sue McAlister

Pioneer Female Youth Leader, USA

Utilizing JESUS-Focused Youth Ministry enabled me to develop a strategy that kept my ministry with students biblically based and balanced for over 30 years. Because the focus is always on Jesus, our student ministry results multiplied eternally. During 24 years at the same local church, 300 students were discipled in JFYM. Over 40 have gone into full-time ministry and missions; and what a joy to know so many who are faithful, Godly leaders in their homes, churches and jobs!”


Greg Dyson

Chaplain and Professor, Cedarville College, USA  

I use Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry because it is principle-based, not program-based. I have practiced and shared the JFYM principles with various age groups as a pastor, inner city youth leader and college campus chaplain. Now I am taking 30 adult leaders in my church through Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry.

Panshak Panbish

Anglican JFYM Country Leader, Nigeria

Our Nigeria Anglican team is thankful to God for the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training. It has brought a new, fresh perspective for doing ministry. We believe strongly that this is just the beginning of something big by the grace of God. Thank you, Barry.


Josh Smith

Pastor Prince Avenue Baptist Church, USA

The first time someone intentionally discipled me as a junior in high school, Barry did so with me and a group of my friends, using the practices and principles of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry. JFYM laid the foundation and set the trajectory for my life and ministry. Since that time, JFYM has formed my ministry to students as a missionary in central Europe, to international students at Duke University, to my 20 years as a senior pastor, husband and father of five children. I highly recommend it to everyone!

Emanuel Ruheza

Pastor, Kilgali, Rwanda

In Rwanda only Jesus can heal our wounded hearts and broken dreams, unite our people and make us one in Him. That is why Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry could not have come at a more appropriate time. It is what Rwandan churches have been waiting for.


Paul Fleishmann

Co-Founder and Leader of National Network of Youth Ministries, USA

We have been bonded like brothers for over half of our lives. Because of our close friendship the Lord used us to create the National Network of Youth Ministries, now networking youth leaders across America. From the Network came Youth Congress ’85—16,000 teenagers, Atlanta ’96--8,000 youth leaders and 10,000 teenagers, and Campus Alliance—80+ ministries across the country working together to reach students on campuses. Because we have been “better together”, so many others have done ministry “better together”!  

Karine Gratton

Teacher, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

When I was 15 Barry spoke in Montreal, Quebec. With his Spending Time Alone with God book I learned how to do my devotions. This has stayed with me since then. Now when I teach university students to walk with Jesus I still use this book.


Pastor Didier

Ouagadougou, Burkino Faso

When you made the Jesus-Focused Youth Minstry training so practical, biblical and simple…and then gave us twenty-five books in our own language (French) to take home, I began to cry and thank God.

Rick Eubanks

Founder of “See You at the Pole”, JFYM Trainer, Regional Network Leader, USA

The simple truths of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry are the core of my life. It gives me a handle on why I do what I do. And in my ministry every student, parent, and volunteer I have worked with has benefitted from JFYM. That’s 37 year’s worth! It is the best tool I know to “equip the saints for the work of ministry." I have such a strong desire to invest my time in multiplying JFYM in the lives of others because of its focus to make Jesus’ name famous around the world!


Reuben Zivagwe

Zimbabwe Pastor

As a result of Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry we have over 20 discipleship groups across the city with over 200 student leaders involved. 

Hannah Weiss

College Ministry and Regional Youth Ministry  Leader, USA

Experiencing disciple-making through Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has changed my life, and I have seen it change so many others too. Barry’s ministry to our youth leaders has had a domino effect of disciple-making that has influenced many students in our high school to follow Jesus.


Zabulun Bujumbura

Burundi Bishop and Youth Leader

Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry is a treasure! I want all of my leaders to implement this fully and I am going to lead by example.

Julie White

Former International Ministry Leader with Barry, USA

Barry was one of the people that God put in my life to help me experience His love for me. Like a gardener holding a watering can, Barry held it over my heavy hanging head. You encouraged me. You loved me. God used you.


Israel Ngirababo

Bishop Democratic Republic of Congo

The Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum was one of the most important training experiences I have ever had in my life! I was so enthused that I called 32 bishops representing various churches in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo and shared with them what I had learned.

Kevin Miles

National Network of Youth Ministries Regional Director, USA

Jesus‐Focused Youth Ministry has changed my life and the way I do ministry. It allows me to focus my attention on Jesus and follow His example for ministry. As a result I continue to see lives change and my love for Jesus grow on a regular basis. Implementing this strategy will help your life and ministry to reflect your unique and dynamic relationship with Jesus.

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