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Youth Ministry History

I am the vine; you are the branches.

He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit,

for apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5).


Since 1970, the Lord has created and sustained an abiding in Christ, fruit-bearing ministry through Barry St. Clair. Barry founded and led Reach Out Youth Solutions for 45 years, and now he leads Global Youth Engagement with East-West Ministries International. He has steadfastly equipped, resourced and multiplied leaders who influence the younger generation to follow Jesus in 30+ countries.


What fruit has God produced?




Discipled Teens: Over 500,000 teens challenged to follow Jesus at Super Summer camps since 1972.

Equipped Youth Leaders: Over 25,000 youth leaders equipped in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry (JFYM) with more than twenty books written to resource them.

Expanded to Eastern Europe and Russia: Beginning in Romania, we expanded to Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland, then on to Ukraine and Russia. Over 5,000 youth leaders were trained in Ukraine, with a 91% increase of leaders and 313% growth among teens.

Multiplied to over 30 countries: For example, in 13 countries in East Africa, 7,715 leaders were trained and 591,000 teenagers were reached with the gospel through 442 Trainers of Trainers.*


(*”Trainers of Trainers” implement Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, and then mentor others to do the same. Through this process Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry multiplies. )



Produced Much More Fruit Globally:

  • In Cuba 61 Trainers of Trainers have led JFYM Trainings with 1,531 youth leaders trained in 22 cities, certified 10 new Trainers of Trainers, and translated the Moving Toward Maturity 5 book series in Spanish.

  • In Ukraine and Russia Trainers of Trainers led JFYM Trainings in cities across those countries. In Siberia the Church of Russia denomination officially adopted JFYM for their 1,800 churches. 15 of Barry’s books have been translated into Russian.

  • In Africa 392 Trainers of Trainers went “deeper and wider” in 13 countries—having conducted 42 JFYM Trainings, trained 1,600 new leaders, certified 50 new Trainers of Trainers, and presented Jesus to multiplied thousands of teenagers. Recently in Nigeria we have successfully initiated JFYM training that is quickly multiplying.

  • Created Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Online in four languages—English, Spanish, Russian and Swahili. Leaders and students discover the six essential characteristics of Jesus’ life and ministry as they engage with brief training videos, hear impact stories intertwined with reading, group sharing, and creating personal action plans, all with accountability.

Going forward we envision that the Fruit-bearer will continue to “bear much more fruit”
because we offer Jesus-Focused resources and training to you!

Affirming Words from Around the World

Kurt Nelson

Kurt Nelson - President East-West Ministries International

"Barry's friendship and encouragement have been an immeasurably great inspiration to me personally for over four decades of my life in Christ. God used Barry to mark my life at the crucial foundational stage of my first steps with Christ - and I have never gotten over that! His partnership with me at East-West is a constant blessing in my life..."  Read More

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